
On this page the Companies from the Region of Tripura are displayed:

Tripura (TR) is a state in Northeast India. The third-smallest state in the country, it covers 10,491 km2 (4,051 sq mi) and is bordered by Bangladesh(East Bengal) to the north, south, and west, and the Indian states of Assam and Mizoram to the east.

In 2011 the state had 3,671,032 residents, constituting 0.3% of the country's population.

Tripura lies in a geographically disadvantageous location in India, as only one major highway, the National Highway 44, connects it with the rest of the country. Five mountain ranges—Boromura, Atharamura, Longtharai, Shakhan and Jampui Hills—run north to south, with intervening valleys; Agartala, the capital, is located on a plain to the west.

Tripura, India


Some interesting companies are in the following list:

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